Saturday 18 January 2014

Poverty In Singapore

An elderly lady collecting used items to recycle. This will seem shocking to other people in the world who thinks that Singapore is a rich, safe and first world country so nothing like this will happen. However, this scenes can be quite common to a fellow Singaporean. We often see the poor going around to collect garbage and sell them to earn themselves a next meal - or do they even have the amount of money for their next meal?
In Singapore which is a first world country, it is highly unlikely that we can find poverty. However, there is still a group of people who are suffering from poverty. This is due to the fact that Singapore has a high cost of living. Those Singaporeans that have an unstable income, will then struggle to pay for the living expenses. Then, there will be this vicious poverty cycle that will continue to keep the poor in poverty. 
The children of the poor will have to quit school at a small age to work and help to support the family income. This will then also affect the children because they are often not able to do better than their parents due to lack of access to knowledge and educational support. This vicious cycle will then continue which causes them to be unable to get out of poverty.
There are a few factors on how we can help the poor with little effort.
- When we see the poor elderly or disabled selling tissue packets on the streets, we can help them out by being more generous and just give the the money but not take the tissue. 
-To help the poor cleaners who make Singapore a clean and green place, we can cooperate by not littering and encourage them when we see them. 
- For those poor begging on the streets, we can do a part by giving them some money spare change as doing a donation.
- We can do monthly donations to those charity organisations which help the poor and disabled. We can do commitment work and join organisations which give out food to the poor. This way, we can do community work and also give out a helping hand for those in need.