Sunday 16 February 2014

Distribution of Roles

Hi!! This is an update of the roles among our group members :)


XinYi: Blogger, who keeps the blog updated with activities that the Group members have done and also the tasks that we are given, designs the blog.

Grace: Resource Manager, who consolidates all the information needed and send it to everyone to make sure that everyone is noted, ensure CID file is neat.

Terry: Leader, makes sure that everyone does their job and also help out the members who are busy, take note of deadlines.

Gerald Teo: Scribe, who is in charge of taking down important notes during lessons and notify the group members, take good and relevant photos.

Vulture and The Kid

Vulture and The Kid


The picture is extremely disturbing to see.
In our daily lives, we are so fortunate to be able to live in modern luxury and comfort. We gradually take this for granted. The thought of us being reduced to the state of that young boy does not cross our minds. The picture screams a clear truth to our arrogant and self-prideful society today. Closer research shows that the photographer, who won an award for this photo, committed suicide a few weeks later due to depression. The dilapidated young boy's death is being waited upon by a vulture, so that it could feed on his carcass. Let us be thankful for what we have, and do all we can to help others who need us but just do not have the ability to seek us. 

Xin Yi:

This picture actually shows the reality that is happening in different parts of the world. Compared to the starving child who is about to meet his death, we are really lucky. We always fail to know how privilege we are in comparison to the young little boy. However, we do not treasure the amount of luxury we have and sometimes, even complain about it. We do not realise how lucky we are, being able to have a roof above our heads and 3 meals everyday. The people who are in similar conditions as this little boy here might not even have a meal to consume. This picture is actually sending a message to everyone, to be grateful of what we have and if possible, share what we have to those who are in need.

Gerald Teo: 

Poverty. I felt that it is the reason why the child is in this predicament. The child does not have financial support to feed himself, hence, he is malnourished and dies. I felt that the message it is trying to get across is that we must try our best to share the financial burden with the underprivileged families in other countries so that they can lead a comfortable life.


The kid is starving and have no food to eat. We can see the bones of the ribcage already and it is really scary. It is very sad to see that the child do not have strength to even stand up. He is so hungry until he could move or anything and the vulture beside it is as if waiting for the child to die, so it can eat it's flesh. How ironic is it for the vulture to have food while the the child, doesn't have. At the same time, the child is already so skinny, will there possibly be flesh in the child? I hope the government could do something to help the child or at least take actions to prevent this from happening to other people in the country.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Chingay PowerPoint Slides

Group Reflection:

Before the Chingay parade, our group sat down and discussed the different important points we had to take note during the Chingay parade and also our respective roles. After a discussion, we decided that Terry, Grace and Xin Yi will be the photographers while Gerald would take down the interesting points of the Chingay and things to take note in his iPad. Having the theme ‘Colours of Fabric, One People’ in mind, we set off to the Chingay parade as a group and managed to do our roles well. As our group was focusing on the point of ‘Floats’, we took numerous photos of the unique floats during the Chingay parade. Before we met up, we all sorted out and chose the photos that were clear and floats which also had a lot of meaning and purpose to it. When everyone agreed on the photos, we then divided the photos equally among ourselves and did the caption and description. Our group then met up on a Sunday morning to do the PowerPoint and scripts as a team and even rehearsed together. Personally, we think that we learnt a lot of meaningful things during the Chingay parade. We managed to learn so much more about the culture of Singapore through the floats which is part and parcel of our daily lives. Not only did we have a deeper understanding about the culture in Singapore, we also bonded together as a team and I think this allows us to be able to respect one another and learn how to cooperate with one another. This journey to Chingay was definitely a fruitful one.

Personal Reflection:

Grace - I learnt that Singapore is a really bonded and united country. We have firstly, the different races in Singapore, the 4 main races in Singapore that makes Singapore a united city. Secondly, the floats are decorated very colourfully, which I think that is a symbol that Singapore is a very colourful and exciting country! Lastly, the efforts the organizations put in is really spectacular and outstanding! They have to rehearse many times to out up such a good performance and have to rehearse every week! How brilliant is it! I think they have to cooperate with each and every people to make this performance successful! Which also shows that Singapore is a very bonded country to make this a great success! I'm really proud that I can watch this year's Chingay!

TerryChingay was a great experience for me. I've always watched it over the years on TV but have never gotten to attend it. The procession was extremely well planned and presented. From the few hours I have been at the venue watching it, I really gained deeper knowledge on Singapore's culture and diversity, and how we manage to live in Harmony despite many differences. This we have always been proud of as Singaporeans, but most of us really don't know how this is achieved. From the Chingay masquerade, the reason behind our success is unravelled through the floats and items put up. I also learnt some interesting facts. I didn't know we had a historic Dragon playground until a float resembling it was presented! This is just one of the many insights I gotten on Singapore from the Chingay parade. It was an enjoyable experience.

Xin Yi - The Chingay parade was definitely one of the best parade I have seen in my life. I have neither been to the Chingay parade nor seen it on television. Therefore, I was real excited and looked forward to the Chingay parade! From this parade, I have a much deeper understanding about Singapore's culture as well as our nation. The different unique floats represented different culture and races in Singapore. This showed that we are a nation with people of different races and cultures from all over the world but no matter where we are, we are bonded as one nation like the thread, which is sewn to form a big piece of beautiful cloth and that cloth is Singapore. The deep meaning behind each float actually taught me and allowed me to gain more knowledge about Singapore. I feel that the amount of hard work given to complete this marvellous event is definitely commendable and I salute them for giving so much of their time and effort to make this parade a successful one.

Gerald - I think that it was a enjoyable and enriching experience. It was really well executed and I could tell that they really put a lot of effort in to the performance. It allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the rich history and culture of all the races in Singapore. I also knew more about Singapore's achievements and the historical icons there.

Our PowerPoint slides! Hope you enjoyed it :)